My Ma's Southern Potato Salad - divian l conner

My Ma's Southern Potato Salad

12:29 AM

Just in time for the 4th of July, this simple southern classic is a sure win at your bbq!

I must admit...I am not a fan of potato salad. In fact, I have never tasted it until today. It is one of those things that makes me question if I am really Southern. I mean, who in their right Southern mind does NOT like potato salad? You only see it at every single potluck, party, office shindig, family reunion and gathering here! At any event, someone is sure to have a casserole dish full of this potato-ey tradition.

But here I am, posting a Southern Potato Salad recipe for a dear and awesome reader who requested it. I can't take the honors of making this because I sought the help of my number one cooking idol...my mom. I will say this, I tried it today and I liked it! Why oh why did I wait so long!?

You will need:

6 large potatoes (peeled)
5 boiled eggs (diced/chopped)
1 stick of butter (room temperature)
1 tsp of garlic powder
1 whole sweet onion (diced)
1 tbsp sugar
1 small jar of Sweet Pickle Relish
2 tsp mustard
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
3/4 jar of mayo (less if you want it less creamy)
Paprika to sprinkle as a garnish

Boil your potatoes, drain and let cool. Then cut into bite size pieces.  I made the mistake (having never made this myself and thinking I would save my mom some prep time) of cutting the potatoes before boiling. My mom threw a fit and said that it would bring about a mashed potato type consistency....which it did. But hey, it was still tasty as heck.

In a large bowl, add your ingredients. There is no rhyme or reason...no method to the madness...just add everything into a large bowl and mix.

Place the mixture into your serving dish. Top with a sprinkle of paprika and some sliced eggs if you like. Wrap tightly with plastic wrap or cover. If not covered, it will get that crusty mashed potato layer that although is perfectly fine, looks like the server was too busy to mix it to keep it fresh.


Make sure you keep this dish cool until ready to serve.

Everyone here in the South swears by potato salad. They love it. I am kinda liking it too.

Thanks, mama for making this for me!

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