Holiday Cakes: Cakes to Make This Season - divian l conner

Holiday Cakes: Cakes to Make This Season

9:59 PM

Everyone knows that Christmas and the holidays means pumpkin everything or sweet potato and pecan pies. At least here in the South. But this season, why not try something different? Something sure to calm the palettes down after a hearty dinner. Serve with coffee, hot chocolate or tea and sit around the tree or in the family room talking about all the things you are thankful for.

Death By Chocolate and Peanut Butter Ice Cream Brownie Cake

~tip: add a bit of pomegranate seeds for festive color and extra crunch and taste.

A southern staple, add some sliced strawberries.

I'll be back in a few days with some fabulous recipes featuring Greek Gods Yogurt. Oh my, yes.

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