Southern Squash Casserole - divian l conner

Southern Squash Casserole

5:37 AM

My children love good food. When they were younger, of course, I did the easy chicken nuggets, fish sticks and all that jazz, but for the most part, I introduced them to foods so that they would not be picky eaters. They have grown up in this Southern household eating southern staples as well as my somewhat exotic kitchen 'must-trys'.

While planning the weekly dinner menu, my daughter asked for squash casserole. I admit that I had never made it before, but I was  not going to disappoint her, so I called up the only woman who has ever gotten me to eat squash and enjoy it--my mom.

Her sqaush casserole is so good. It reminds me a bit of cornbread dressing. She uses cornbread in it and bacon pieces. Add in cheese and oh yeah---golden squash heaven.

My mom moved too fast for me to take step by step photos telling me "I'm cooking for my grandbabies, not for your camera". I had to laugh. In this house, we eat what is cooked and photographed for this blog. Nothing gets posted that we do not eat. That means I usually end up photographing my actual plate and if not my own, I better move pretty darn fast if I want to take a photo, because they simply will not wait and they don't want to eat cold food. Ha! They make me work fast for a photo.

Southern Squash Casserole

You will need:
4 cups cooked and crumbled cornbread
7 Yellow Squash
1 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 egg
2 tsp melted butter/margarine
1 or 1/2 cup of cooked bacon, chopped
1 cup chicken broth
1-2 tsp salt
1-2 tsp pepper

Rinse your squash and begin cutting into 1/2 inch slices. Discard the ends.  In a pot filled with water, bring to a boil, once boiling, reduce heat to low and cook for ten to fifteen more minutes.  This helps tenderize the squash. Drain the water.

In large bowl, add in all your ingredients except the squash, broth and egg. Add in your salt and pepper 1 tsp at a time, tasting to get it to your liking.  Add in the broth slowly until the mixture is of a creamy consistency. You may not use all of it. You want it creamy, not soupey.  Add in your egg and mix well. Then add in your squash. Pour into two round cake pans or one 11x7 baking pan. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes until top is slightly crusted and golden brown.

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