Not A Recipe: Italian Beef & Giardiniera

7:50 PM

(My Italian Beef Attempt #1 using store bought giardiniera)

This is not recipe but simply a declaration of sorts.  I am now officially on a quest to make my own giardiniera.  If you are familiar with Italian foods or from the Chicago area and familiar with a certain delectable sandwich called the Italian Beef, you will know that giardiniera is a yummy delicious goodiness of peppers, celery, cauliflower and a host of other little bits.

I was in Chicago a few weeks ago and could not come back home without some giardiniera. While I have half a jar left, I know my appeitite for it---and being here in Mississippi-means that I need to learn to make it on my own.

I. shall. succeed.

I found several recipes on google that I am going to test out and tweak. Fingers crossed I can get it!

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