August 2014 - divian l conner

Honey Glazed Fried Biscuit Bites

8:36 PM

At the end of July, I spent some time at my cousin's house in Georgia. Her husband is an amazing Southern chef who is just magic in the kitchen. While there, he made a host of things for me to try and of course, I was eager to sample. One night, he starting cutting up frozen biscuits. Not the refrigerated kind, but the homemade buttermilk biscuit kind. I sat at the counter and watched. Next thing I knew he had thrown them in the deep fryer and was serving them up to me covered in powdered sugar.

Oh. My.

They were little crispy balls of heaven. I told him when I left, I had to try my hand at making some using my simple biscuit recipe.

I do not have any step by step photos for this recipe because, I made them in a hurry. I was setting up and making food for a vintage tailgating shoot for Town and Gown Magazine here in Starkville. I knew I wanted these bad boys in the set up but the hustle and bustle meant, no time for step by steps.

Seriously, there is no need though. I have a biscuit recipe you can find here on my blog. Instead of flattening out the dough, you cut it into circles (I use a small mason jar or glass cup) then cut it into quarters.

With a pot full of vegetable oil on medium heat, pop your biscuits in. Remove when they are golden. Place on a paper towel to drain the grease. In a bowl, place your fried biscuits in and cover them with honey. Toss to evenly coat and there ya go!

These are the perfect little treats to serve at parties with small chicken tenders on a kabob or on a tray of their own. I love these.

To see more of this vintage tailgating set up and other recipes pick up your copy of Town and Gown if you are in Northern Mississippi.  Thank you to Catina Williams for helping with this set up and Sarah Vaughn and Sarah Hinton for helping bring what I saw in my head to life so I could shoot it. I had an idea and they helped make it happen. We all worked together, bringing in items and styled what I think is gorgeous!

Also, thank you to my friend, Joseph who made these perfect rustic chalkboards for me. You can find his shop on Etsy, he takes custom orders!


Bacon Jalapeno Pimento Cheese...

4:15 PM


When I was younger, there were lots (tons---millions---billions) of foods that I would not, could not, REFUSED to eat. Eggplant was one and pimento cheese was another. My mom did not really buy it or make it a lot but when she did, those freaky looking red things turned me all the way off and I refused to even taste it. I remember pimento cheese being a staple at my mom and dad's parties and gatherings....sitting in one big massive orange blob on a silver platter surrounded by butter crackers. I did not know what it was, what it tasted like and I was not willing to try it out. 

Now that I am older, creeping closer to the nursing home, I am finding that some of the katrillion things I hated as a child, I now love. I mean, who would have thought I would actually like cooking with onions!? I still hate--detest--despise eggplant but alas, I finally tried pimento cheese and I actually liked it. Whowouldathunkit!?

My kids are huge fans of grilled cheese sandwiches. Seriously, I have one kid who would eat them all day, everyday. Imagine the deliciousness that comes from pimento cheese, jalapenos and bacon? Whoah. Blow your mind.

Seriously. Try this. So gosh dang good.

2 cups shredded extra-sharp Cheddar cheese
 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
 1/2 cup mayonnaise
 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
 1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (optional)
 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced (optional)
 1 (4 ounce) jar diced pimento, drained

Mix everything together and spread on thick bread. Add several slices of cooked bacon, top with another slice of bread and proceed to cook in a buttered (or nonstick) skillet just as you would a grilled cheese sandwich. 


Contributors Wanted....

11:26 PM

One of my photography clients is seeking blog contributors. If you are into fashion, vintage, lifestyle, food, jewelry, diy, crafts... you should check them out.Send them an email with some solid proof of what you can do and tell em I sent ya!

Good luck!


Calzone School Lunch

10:31 PM

Today I made homemade pizza dough. As intimidating as it seemed to me, I was surprised at how easy it was and a bit worried about how sticky it was. Yes, I had to knead it a couple of times in flour to keep it from making my fingers look like something from a sy-fy movie. But oh was it worth it. Yes.

I used this recipe (clickity clack) and it was perfect.

This is not a 'real' recipe but once again, just a suggestion of things you can do for your children's lunchboxes. I love how simple lunches can be and how they can truly be special for your kids.

For the pasta salad...it is typical here in the south and super easy. Cooked spaghetti noodles, sliced tomato and cucumber drizzled in Italian salad dressing. Light, quick and easy.

Paczki Attempt #1

6:37 PM

Here at my house, we try all kinds of foods. I am always online looking for amazing foods and dishes to try with my kids. My saying is that of Andrew Zimmern..."If it looks good, eat it".  Being in Mississippi it is hard to find a great variety in ethnic or cultural foods. The internet has been wonderful at helping me find ways to prepare dishes from around the world right here at home.

For my daughter's school lunch, I decided on pierogies. I was sucked into the vortex of Youtube the other night and some how ended up on Jenny Jone's (the talk show host) cooking channel. Who knew she was Polish?!  She shared some amazing recipes and after stuffing cabbage leaves last night, I decide pierogies and Paczki would be perfect to add to a school lunch.

I did make some mistakes. My dough for the Paczki was not smooth like the one I saw...maybe I was impatient and should have kneaded it more or let it rise more. Despite that, the taste was amazing and so good. It is different from your traditional doughnuts. It was a huge hit with my kids and my mom who does not like sweets!

I will be trying this again.  Here is the link to the recipe I followed. I found it on youtube.


School Lunch: Falafel

7:13 PM

When it comes to school lunches, I like variety for my children. Variety but tasty. We love falafels in my family and mini pita bread is perfect for a lunch sized sandwich. This is no recipe, just a lunch option.

I will be sharing more lunch ideas in the weeks to come.


Candy Skewers....

5:48 PM

So school started here in Mississippi today and while I homeschool one of my sons, it was a bit bittersweet to watch them go. I got into my home school routine, cooked dinner and then sat down with my youngest son to make First Day of School candy skewers. I made these in Atlanta a week ago and they were such a hit, I decided to do it today for my kids.

They are super easy to make but sugar from the candy gets every where, so be prepared.

You will need wooden skewers, Airhead Xtremes or other ribbon gummie candies or various sour gummies.

Start by rolling the candy around in a circle, after you have the desired width you would like, pierce with the skewer just enough to make it stay in place. Begin folding the other ribbons on top of each other and pierce and bring them up from the bottom of the skewer. Decorate and alternate as you would like.

I will definitely be making these from time to time as gifts or favors. I love how cute they are. Of course, my kids were only allowed to eat a bit of them. So much sugar! I asked them to save some for tomorrow.

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