Bacon Jalapeno Pimento Cheese... - divian l conner

Bacon Jalapeno Pimento Cheese...

4:15 PM


When I was younger, there were lots (tons---millions---billions) of foods that I would not, could not, REFUSED to eat. Eggplant was one and pimento cheese was another. My mom did not really buy it or make it a lot but when she did, those freaky looking red things turned me all the way off and I refused to even taste it. I remember pimento cheese being a staple at my mom and dad's parties and gatherings....sitting in one big massive orange blob on a silver platter surrounded by butter crackers. I did not know what it was, what it tasted like and I was not willing to try it out. 

Now that I am older, creeping closer to the nursing home, I am finding that some of the katrillion things I hated as a child, I now love. I mean, who would have thought I would actually like cooking with onions!? I still hate--detest--despise eggplant but alas, I finally tried pimento cheese and I actually liked it. Whowouldathunkit!?

My kids are huge fans of grilled cheese sandwiches. Seriously, I have one kid who would eat them all day, everyday. Imagine the deliciousness that comes from pimento cheese, jalapenos and bacon? Whoah. Blow your mind.

Seriously. Try this. So gosh dang good.

2 cups shredded extra-sharp Cheddar cheese
 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
 1/2 cup mayonnaise
 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
 1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (optional)
 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced (optional)
 1 (4 ounce) jar diced pimento, drained

Mix everything together and spread on thick bread. Add several slices of cooked bacon, top with another slice of bread and proceed to cook in a buttered (or nonstick) skillet just as you would a grilled cheese sandwich. 

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