Fourth Of July Recap...We Have Hungry Dogs... - divian l conner

Fourth Of July Recap...We Have Hungry Dogs...

11:44 PM

I hope you all had a fabulous Fourth of July. For those not in the States, this is when us Americans celebrate our Independence with a load of grilled and smoked meats (especially in the South) and mini US flags lining the Main Street in our town (especially in the South). We celebrate with food and fireworks (if you are in the County...it's a big no-no in the city limits unless you want to get fined or have the cops called on ya) and we have such a great time with our family. It is a joyous event and holiday.

I am so thankful for my mother who started at 5 in the morning getting our bbq grill ready and slow grilling our babyback ribs until they literally fell off of the bone (seriously, our dogs ran to gather the meat when it literally fell to the ground...off the bone...). She was amazing.

Here is our recap...minus the fireworks we bought and popped outside the city limits to celebrate.

You have to have Corn. Afterall....it is a vegetable, right? We all need our veggies.

Seriously, my mom had the meat falling off of the bone. Sheesh, she is good! Her secret, she said, is marinating overnight and placing on the grill for 4 hours.

Meet Dakota. Meet Blue. They were aimlessly wondering looking for scraps.

A staple at any Southern summer outdoor gathering.

My son, Austin. He had just said, "I wish I had not eaten all that rice for breakfast....I am stuffed".

Joseph and my son, Anderson, who is in bad need of a haircut. Horsing around while we have our dinner.

Oh yes.

Oh double yes.

This stuff is good. When you don't do homemade, it rocks.

I told ya it fell off the bone. 

Finally, at least he got a hot dog. Greedy Blue.

I hope you all had a fabulous Fourth. I am working on some good ol' Southern recipes to share with you all. If you have any requests, send em over!

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