Shepherd's Pie - divian l conner

Shepherd's Pie

10:47 PM

I remember when I was in school, there were two days kids went absolutely crazy for during lunch....chicken nugget day and shepherd pie day. Although the latter did not have the same you-are-getting-detention-and-demerits-for-acting-a-plum-fool, shepherd's pie day was one day that we knew we would get some goodness. No microwaved cardboard tasting pizza. No sir. 

Growing up in the south, shepherd's pie is one of those dishes you know you love and as easy as it is, not that many people make it. It is one of those enigmas like devilled eggs....people can make them, but they only do on special occasions. I have no idea why. I think it is a great meal when paired with a nice salad. YUM!

You will need:
12 potatoes (skinned and cut into quarters)

2 Maggi or chicken bouillon cubes
1 can of Peas
1 can of Corn
1 can of Carrots

Brown Gravy (recipe follows)

5 lbs of ground beef
Shredded cheese

In a skillet brown your ground beef with a little salt and pepper. 

Drain the grease/fat and add your corn, peas and carrots.

Mix well.

2 tbsp. butter
1 c. canned beef bouillon
2 tbsp. flour
Dash salt and pepper
In small saucepan melt butter and stir in flour. Keep stirring until blended well. Add bouillon and stir until gravy reaches boiling point. Continue to stir until smooth and it thickens. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve over meat or potatoes. Makes 1 cup.

Mix gravy into ground beef mixture. Set aside

(I add gravy because it adds a bit of moisture to a dish that can easily dry out when in the oven.)

For potatoes:

Peel and cut potatoes into small pieces. While cutting, place cut potatoes into a bowl of cold water. This will help keep them from turning brown. Rinse the water off of the potatoes several times to make sure they are clean.

Place into large pot of water, add maggi or chicken bouillon cubes and bring to a boil. Boil for about 20 minutes and reduce heat. Cook for about 30 more minutes. Drain half of the broth and reserve the other half.

Add half a stick of butter or margarine and begin to mash. If it is too thick, slowly add in a bit of the reserved broth.

Place your beef mixture into your baking dish or ramikens.

Place your pototoes on top.

Smooth out potatoes.

Using a fork, draw lines across potato layer, this will help in adding a crispy top layer with loads of creamy potatoes underneath.

Place in oven on broil for about 10-15 minutes or until the top has browned.

Add shredded cheese and place back in oven until cheese has melted.  Serve for some good ol comfort food goodness!

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