Simple Grilled Fish Salad... - divian l conner

Simple Grilled Fish Salad...

8:18 AM

I love a good salad. I usually serve a small side one at every dinner my kids and I have. I guess it's my way of trying to sneak even more fresh greens in. Since we do quite a bit of these bad boys, I love adding different things to them. This one was so good. Grilled tilapia that I seasoned with a bit of salt, pepper and olive oil, fresh jalapeno hush puppies, tomato, avocado, and super mean greens. I dressed with fresh lemon juice, sea salt and pepper. Nom. Nom. Nom.

Why oh why did I just start eating avocado at the beginning of this year? Where oh where was my crazed mind at?! Now I can't get enough of 'em.

There is no recipe for this, just create! What are some of your favorite salad combinations?

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