July 2014 - divian l conner

Guacamole Deviled Eggs With Salsa and Crispy Strips

1:44 PM

We are gearing up for college football season and one thing that I almost always see at tailgating events or parties are deviled eggs. When I made these, my family inhaled them. They lasted all of five minutes. With a little bbq dry rub mixed in and the tasty crispy tortilla strips added, these are a delicious.

You will need:
6 eggs (boiled, peeled)
Salsa (I used Kyvan's Honey Apple Salsa)
2 tbsp of Guacamole (or you can use this awesome recipe here)
1 tbsp BBQ Dry Rub (I used Kyvan's BBQ Rub)
Flour Tortilla
Oil for Frying

Cut your flour tortilla into strips. Then cut the strips into one inch strips. Fry in oil until golden brown. Remove from heat and place on paper towel. Sprinkle immediately with your bbq dry rub.

Slice boiled and peeled eggs in half and place the yolks into a mixing bowl. Add your guacamole, seasoning and mash and mix well. Add more guacamole if you want it to be more creamy.

Scoop the egg mixture into the hollowed egg halves.

Top with a dollop of salsa and add your crunchy tortilla strip.

And there you have a nice twist on deviled eggs. The strips are also a nice snack!


Dessert Shooters...

9:44 AM

Being a mom of four, easy is what I live for. I like making desserts but I am far from a baker. I like creative desserts that are not only good but that I can put together with little time. These dessert shooters are so quick to make and so many combinations can be made.

For these, I used chocolate cake, layered with Philadelphia Cheesecake filling and topped with freshly made chocolate ganache and toffee popcorn.  They were mini versions of this cake I made not too long ago. Ohhhhhweeeeeee they were good. Just the right amount of sinfully sweetness in a tall shot glass.


Patty Melts....

11:14 AM

Patty melts are one of the easiest sandwiches to make. There really is no way to mess these bad boys up and they are so delicious!

In skillet on meduim heat, add 1 tablespoon of butter. Slice a fresh onion, peeling off the outer layer and separate.  Add them to the butter in the skillet. Cook until they are translucent. Remove onions, placing on paper towel to remove excess butter.

Take a quarter pound of ground beef (or ground turkey) and form into a patty. Place in skillet and cook until the juices run clear. I seasoned my beef with just salt and pepper.


Fourth Of July Recap...We Have Hungry Dogs...

11:44 PM

I hope you all had a fabulous Fourth of July. For those not in the States, this is when us Americans celebrate our Independence with a load of grilled and smoked meats (especially in the South) and mini US flags lining the Main Street in our town (especially in the South). We celebrate with food and fireworks (if you are in the County...it's a big no-no in the city limits unless you want to get fined or have the cops called on ya) and we have such a great time with our family. It is a joyous event and holiday.

I am so thankful for my mother who started at 5 in the morning getting our bbq grill ready and slow grilling our babyback ribs until they literally fell off of the bone (seriously, our dogs ran to gather the meat when it literally fell to the ground...off the bone...). She was amazing.

Here is our recap...minus the fireworks we bought and popped outside the city limits to celebrate.

You have to have Corn. Afterall....it is a vegetable, right? We all need our veggies.

Seriously, my mom had the meat falling off of the bone. Sheesh, she is good! Her secret, she said, is marinating overnight and placing on the grill for 4 hours.

Meet Dakota. Meet Blue. They were aimlessly wondering looking for scraps.

A staple at any Southern summer outdoor gathering.

My son, Austin. He had just said, "I wish I had not eaten all that rice for breakfast....I am stuffed".

Joseph and my son, Anderson, who is in bad need of a haircut. Horsing around while we have our dinner.

Oh yes.

Oh double yes.

This stuff is good. When you don't do homemade, it rocks.

I told ya it fell off the bone. 

Finally, at least he got a hot dog. Greedy Blue.

I hope you all had a fabulous Fourth. I am working on some good ol' Southern recipes to share with you all. If you have any requests, send em over!


Chipotle Lime Chicken

6:55 PM

Since the Fourth of July is right around the corner, I thought I would reshare this post from last year. This grilled chicken is moist and so good!*

I live out in what we call the 'country'. Here in the south, saying you are from the country means you live on the outskirts of town, in a rural area. Really, not that rural since I am less than a mile from the local college, but still, the peace and serenity that comes with where I live is soooo amazing. Dirt, rock road and a huge yard that is perfect for entertaining...minding that the grass is cut. 

I love having family and friends over and cooking for them. Dinner, lunch and food all mean to me, a time to really connect with one another. Any excuse I can get to bring us all together for some good times, I do. 

I made this chipotle lime chicken for some family not too long ago and I am still licking my lips just thinking about it. If you love the tartness of lime, the spiciness of chipotle and the smokiness of grilling, then ooooo-weeee this is for you.

You will need:
boneless skinless chicken breasts
6 limes
1 can of chipotle in adobo sauce (chopped)
Creole Seasoning

After rinsing and cleaning your chicken breasts, place in a container and squeeze the juice of two-three limes on them. Sprinkle about 2 tbsp of creole seasoning (or salt and pepper) on the chicken and rub into the chicken. Seal the container and refrigerate for an hour while you fire up your grill. Once the grill is ready, slice up a few limes, lay one to two limes down on the grill and cover with a chicken breast. In a small bowl, squeeze the juice of three limes, mix in your chopped chipotle and sauce. Mix well. Every 10-15 minutes until chicken is done, coat the chicken with the mixture. (You want to do this when you turn the chicken over.)  Grill chicken until when poked with fork, the juices are clear and not cloudy or muddled. Serve with fresh slices of lime and parsley as a garnish.

Seriously, this is so good. Add a little bit of honey (1 tbsp) into your sauce mix for a subtle sweetness.)

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