Easy Twice Baked Potatoes - divian l conner

Easy Twice Baked Potatoes

5:24 PM

I love anything potatoes....except potato salad...that in itself is right up there in the yuck factor with eggplant. But other than that, potatoes--baked, fried, mashed....bring it on!

I love twice baked potatoes. Most may be intimidated by them because they take a wee bit more time, but life is all about slowing down, savoring the moments and the few extra minutes it takes to make these is worth it.

You will need:

4 potatoes
1/2 cup of sour cream
1/2 cup of shredded cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
sliced/diced ham

Bake your potatoes for about an hour at 350 degrees. Allow to cool and slice each potato in half. Carefully scoop out the inside of each half...placing the inside of the potato into a large bowl.

 Place the hollow potato halves onto a baking sheet. In bowl, mix sour cream, ham, seasoning and sour cream with the potato insides. 

Scoop back into the hollow potato halves. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. 

Cover with shredded cheese.

 Bake at 350 degrees until cheese is melted.

And there ya go! I like to top mine with a dollop of sour cream and crumbled bacon slices. 

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  1. Very easy and cheap recipe. I Love how you can add any meat you want [we were having pork chops tonight, so no meat but I added Spring onions.] I can see bacon, leftover pork chops, sausage. Thanks.

    I wish you had given approximate time to back [I know it is depending on size of potato and your own oven] and if it was baked covered or uncovered.


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