July 2013 - divian l conner

Back To School Lunches:Creative Sandwiches

11:38 PM

Back to school in the South, usually means starting school at the beginning of August. Soooooo, we are all in full school mode here in Mississippi. What better way to kick it all off than with fun and easy school lunch ideas for your little ones?! I mean seriously, I want to pack this as my lunch. So easy and in a few minutes your kids can have their favorite sandwich with a twist.

I teamed up with S Is For Sweet and we made two super simple lunch sandwiches. A straw, cheese cut into shape with your favorite knife, fruit and yummy drinks and veggies and voila, who needs completely store bout meals? Not you! You can do this yourself and buying in bulk or packs can save you money. :)

blog love

Pinterest Round-Up: Delish Served Pinterest-Style

2:00 PM

So, I admit...I am a pinterest addict. I don't pin everyday, but by golly, I do find the time to check out pinterest daily. I am all over the place when it comes to browsing the vast world wide web.  I look at everything from children's party ideas, food and recipes, clothing and style trends...to now as of late, back to school lunch boxes.

I mean seriously, there is so much to pin and so little time! So while I sit here, typing, kids are in the living room each doing their own thing before we get dinner ready, I am going to share some of the things I have pinned in the last week.

Here we go!
(photos link to the source!)

OMGosh dang delicious! I love deviled eggs. Here in the South you can't go to any party, potluck or event without someone bringing in a tupperwear container full of these badboys. Usually very traditional, when I saw these Bacon Jalapeno Deviled Eggs(clickity-click, it's a link!) on pinterest from Real House Moms I was like "Whoah...yes, please!". Bacon. Jalapeno. Eggs. Nuff said.

This cake reminds me so much of my wedding cakes many, many, eons ago.  I had a rustic outdoor backyard wedding with a bbq reception. The cake was like this...filled with a rich nice cheesecake cream and orange marmalade. It was finished with fresh berries and flowers. What I love about the cakes over at Miss Ingredient is that they are rustic, simple, elegant and looks just so refreshing! I have never been a fan of fondant, I love the simple cakes with old world feels to them. I had to pin this cake when I could literally taste it by looking at it!

Angie, over at Little Inspiration knows the way to my chocolate covered heart. Her layered and Nutella Popsicles are the bomb.com. Oh wow. I really have no words other than, nom nom nom. Check her out for these refreshing summer treats!

So yeah, just a peek into the goodness you can find on pinterest and if you are a member, follow me at 

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