Made It/Loved It: Farmgirl Gourmet's Honey Challah - divian l conner

Made It/Loved It: Farmgirl Gourmet's Honey Challah

9:18 PM

Hi. My name is Divian and I am a breadaholic.

I love bread. I am one of those people who firmly believes that a sandwich is only as good as the bread you make it with. I always go for rolls and baked loaves instead of the typical sandwich bread.

Although I love bread, I am no baker. I can bake a mean biscuit but hey, I am in the South and biscuits are easy. Imagine the thrill (and apprehension) I felt when I decided that I wanted to learn how to make homemade bread.  I tried the artisan crusty bread first....needs tweaking. Then I came across this bread....from Farmgirl Gourmet.

It looked amazing. Could I make it? Could I get it to look like hers? Would it taste good? I was going to try and try I did.

Although it does not look like hers believe me it tastes AMAZING. Everyone who tried it said they did not need anything to go with it...they were tearing into it like wolves! The first batch was gone in minutes. Today I made two more loaves and I had to fight everyone off.

Seriously....it is just that good. A slightly sweet white bread that is not dry and is just heaven in your mouth.

I would definitely recommend anyone who is interested in breadmaking to try this recipe from Farmgirl. I have already decided this will be on the Thanksgiving table.

I have a bit more practice so that I can get that smooth and noncracking top, but hey even though it is a bit ugly, it tastes like I went to school for this stuff lol

Also, google Challah and read up on the symbolism of the bread. Definitely interesting and makes it even sweeter.

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