Death By Chocolate & Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake - divian l conner

Death By Chocolate & Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake

10:50 PM

Here in Mississippi the weather is finally deciding on what it wants to be when it grows up.  While it is not exactly hot yet, it is very warm and we are welcoming the May sunshine in all it's golden beauty and warmth. I used this break from the previous indecisiveness of Southern Mother Nature to break out the ice cream.

Yeah, any excuse to eat ice cream is a good one, right?

So the weather is nice, the sun is shining bright and bold and my kids need a treat. I do what any other mom would do....I head to pinterest.com and eye photo after photo for some ice creamy inspiration. I found it...boy did I find it. I saw a photo of an ice cream cake that took me all the way back to the late 80s when my fifth grade (highly fashionable with my lopsided ponytails) self knew what it meant to be cool and have the coolest birthday party. You could not be cool and awesome without an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins. So there it was. My inspiration and what I would make. Nevermind I had never made one before. Who cares about that? You gotta try.

I tried it and I loved it. Man, oh man, did I love it. The kids loved it and my friends loved it. Let's just say, last year was the Year of the Popsicles but this summer will be the Year of the Ice Cream Cake.

While it is not perfect, my first attempt....Death By Chocolate and Peanut Butter...

I made the mistake of running the sides of the springform pan under hot water. Lesson learned. It will make your ice cream melt. Instead use a warm dish rag and run around the outside of the pan to loosen the ice cream. 

I have no idea why I had not tried it before.

You will need:
Brownie Mix ( I used the Ghirardelli brownie mix) 
3 quarts Chocolate Ice Cream 
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups (minis) and Reeses Sticks
Chocolate Syrup for garnish

Prepare your brownies as directed on the box or use your favorite homemade brownie mix.  One batch is enough for two layers in a 9 inch springform pan. Pour half of the brownie mix into the pan. Bake as directed.

Allow it to cool and remove the first brownie layer from the pan. Pour remaining half of brownie mix in the pan and bake. Allow it to cool and begin assembly.

Slice your peanut butter cups and place on top of the cooked brownie layer.

Take your ice cream out ten minutes before you plan to add it to the cake. You want it to soften but not melt. Scoop it on top of the peanut butter cup layer. I used a wooden spatula that I ran under warm water to smooth out the ice cream. 

Place in the freezer until firm.

Place second brownie layer on top and repeat ice cream layer. Place in freezer again until firm.

To remove your cake from the pan, wipe the sides of the pan with a warm cloth to help loosen the ice cream.

Top with your remaining cups and reeses sticks. Drizzle with chocolate syrup and serve.

This was so sinfully good it should be a crime. I was so happy with the way it turned out, I am attempting another one tomorrow. Not this one, but a completely different one with a Southern classic twist. Oh yes.

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