June 2013 - divian l conner

So Easy A 4th Grader Can Do It: DIY Nutty Buddy Cones

12:33 AM

*long drawn out unrelated-yet-related post to follow*

I'm a homeschool mom. Nope, I do not fit any generalized ideals you may have but I can see myself slowly morphing into the figure that fits some of your thoughts. I have four children and out of the four I homeschool one. Yes, only one. He is the last male pea to be produced in my pod and he makes me happy, happy.

Being that I homeschool my little skillet means he gets to try my kitchen experiments before his brother and sisters. Usually all of this high level clearance cooking takes place around noon...after I have had about ten cups of coffee (loads of sugar and a little heavy whipping cream), caught up on my email, and read cnn.com backwards and forwards at least three times. Don't worry, he is never left to his own vices unless you consider 'his own vices' to be him doing school work while mommy activates via the power of crushed coffee beans and hot water. So, getting back on track, because, well, I tend to lose track easily and I seriously need to get to the point....homeschool means my son gets to be my primary test subject.

I pride myself in the fact that my kids have some well rounded taste buds. I get to experiment, they get to test and they normally like it. While the other kids are in school, my son and I take time to play Master Chef and we sometimes pretend we are on an episode of 'Chopped'....I pull out random ingredients and we try to come up with something cool, edgy and tasty. Typically it works.

Sometimes we recreate recipes we see online (we meaning I and he gets to be the focus group consisting of...one). Sometimes we find what you can buy at the store can be too easy to make at home. And really, the joy of letting your kids help out is way to fun than just telling them to go in the fridge and dig it out already made.

How about these bad boys? So easy it is crazy. All you need is ice cream, Magic Shell (#clickablelinkherefolks), and nuts. Yes, nuts...or dried fruit....or sprinkles...or tofu....hey, whatever floats your boat. Take your cones, fill them with a scoop or two of your favorite ice cream, dip in magic shell and roll in nuts. Dude, I told you it was easy. Place in the freezer or eat immediately. So easy a 4th grader could do it. See...I have photo proof. A fourth grader did it.

Easy Beer Battered Fish

12:53 PM

I must admit, I love Captain D's fish here in my town. It is so good, crispy with a somewhat buttery rich flavor. It is one of my guilty pleasures. Here in the south, fried fish is 99.9% cornmeal breaded and fried. If you want beer battered or battered fish, Captain D's is the only place you will find it.  So I wanted to see how easy it was to make. I found some recipes online but thought, I wonder how pancake batter would work. I used buttermilk pancake mix and added in a can of Bud Light Lime.  I used tilapia but you can use cod. I first dipped the cleaned fish into dry flour, then into the batter, I fried it in vegetable oil until golden brown. I removed from the grease and placed on a paper towel to remove excess oil. I served with fresh and crudely cut potatoes I fried in the oil as well until crispy.

This was seriously some easy and good eatin'!

Southern Birthday Party

10:09 PM

Here in the south, we love us some crawfish. Hot dang, they are delicious bad boys. My daughter turned 9 today and I am always a procrastinator. I had this grand idea of a Japanese inspired birthday party, complete with a custom made kimono and pillows on the floor. I had planned out the entire menu. But when I traveled to Chicago and experienced Target for the first time, my elaborate birthday plans for my daughter flew completely out the window. Like, seriously, how could I pass up those cute french fry containers and they were only $1!?

I don't even know what to call this party. We had crawfish, hot dogs, burgers and instead of cake I did donuts and cherries with strawberries. Super easy and the best part--all under $100 with food included. Seriously it rocked.

BTW, iffin you are evah in Starkville, Mississippi during crawfish season, you HAFTA stop by The Rubba Boot. The crawfish is to die for. I am dead now posting this and thinking about the goodness and spiciness of  these badboys.

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