Turkey & Swiss Monte Cristo - divian l conner

Turkey & Swiss Monte Cristo

6:58 PM

Back when I was in college, I was taking my 4th year of French (2 in high school and 2 in college) and working as a waitress at a local upscale restaurant. One of the perks would be that each shift we got a free meal. I am a creature of habit when it comes to eating out....as adventurous as I am in the kitchen, I am not so much when dining at a restaurant. I always, always find something I like and get it each time. I have not had a Monte Cristo since those restaurant days.....I burned myself out on them that I didn't think twice about them until I got some awesome Blackberry Honey by Kyvan.

I love honey but I am not much of a sweets person. I love the idea of mixing savory and sweet! It helps balance everything out and has a way of enhancing the flavors.  When I got the honey from Kyvan, I knew I wanted to make a Monte Cristo.

I did a variation. No ham around, so I just used turkey and swiss.

Turkey and Swiss Monte Cristo
(serving one sandwich)

3 slices of bread (I used an oatmeal loaf)
2 eggs
1/3 cup of milk
2 slices of Swiss Cheese
Butter or non stick spray

Layer your sandwich with the bread, cheese and meat. I love a nice helping of meat, so I was very liberal with applying the turkey.

In a mixing bowl, mix eggs and milk well. Take your layered sandwich and dip into the egg mixture. Coat all sides.  Place on griddle or skillet (buttered or sprayed) on medium  heat. Cook slowly and after about five minutes turn over....cook for five more minutes then turn back over and place something heavy on top. I placed a sheet of wax paper on top of the sandwich and then put a heavy cast iron skillet on top. Press down and cook until both sides are golden brown.

This honey is the perfect compliment to a Monte Cristo. Blackberry Honey? Are you kidding me? Love! 

Serve your Monte Cristo with a side of this honey for dipping and a nice side salad. The perfect meal.

*Half of this sandwich is enough for one person. It is so large, the full sandwich can serve two people. 

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