January 2017 - divian l conner
bloody mary

Delicious and Easy Bloody Mary

9:14 PM


Yeah, here I am old as all get out and whowouldathunk that I have never had a bloody mary. To me, the idea of tomatoes and alcohol was a bit of a turn off. I mean, really? And I won't mention that one time my friend bought me a bottle of black pepper vodka so that I could try bloody marys and it sat and sat and sat in the cabinet until I finally threw it out 3 years later. It was just not something I could imagine drinking.

So one day, I was walking in my favorite store ever, Kroger (swoon), and they always have amazing samples at the cheese counter. This particular day, there was not the usual gourmet cracker paired with some delicate and stinky delicious cheese, it was a small cup with some tomato looking juice in it and a green bean. Yeah. A green bean. It was that green bean that caught my eye. I grab a cup and take a  bite of the green bean. Ohhhhhh, a pickled green bean! Then I took a swig. Oh some deliciously dill tomato-y concoction that was sorta spicy. It was delicious. One of the best things I have tasted.

It was McClure's Bloody Mary mix and  a Rick's Mean Green Bean (at 13 bucks a jar locally, they are online much cheaper).  Yes, lawd. Yes. I was so good.

I bought two jars of the mix, a jar of the green beans.

I chose not to add alcohol to my Bloody Mary because still, the thought kind of does not sit well with me but if it is your thing, you have got to try this mix.

I topped mine with a slab of beef jerky, pickled okra (Talk O'Texas), olive, celery, lime and the rim is covered in Tajin seasoning. Yes. I even made some super mini two sip ones for my kids and the Mormon Missionaries who had stopped by...because hey, I like to have my kids try different stuff and it was a super tasty non-alcoholic drink.

Just might serve these at the murder mystery dinner party I am having for friends and family in two weeks.


Food Photography and a Magazine Feature

10:56 PM

I don't claim to know all the ins and outs of food photography but I do know what I like. Through trial and error, I have learned what works for me and what I am satisfied with.

I do not have any do overs. What you see photographed here on this blog is what we actually eat and it is usually my plate. My kids are not about to wait for a photoshoot, they want their dinner when it is ready. I have usually about ten minutes tops to shoot the food and get it to them while it is hot and ready.

My photos are real life, what you see, is how I give it to my kids and family. The table is set, the food is arranged, I try to treat them to that four star experience. While, not every night is a picture perfect, blog worthy food dish, I do try to capture some things we try, I come up with so I can share.

I am so thankful to have been interviewed by a Mississippi magazine, Desoto Magazine. I was truly thankful that they contacted me about my food photography. It is just the motivation this mama of a growing up four needed. Nothing like that to help me to keep pushing forward.

Food has always been important to me, a way of showing my children that they are loved and worth it. And you can have anything, in moderation. I love what I do.

Thanks to all who support me, it does not go unnoticed.

*The magazine is available in Memphis, Olive Branch and northern Mississippi, even in Jackson, Mississippi and a few places in Louisiana and Arkansas. Check their website for where you can find it in print or online.

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